Tuesday, July 14, 2009

BPC student, Kolby DePratter, serves on mission trip to Istanbul, Turkey

Kolby DePratter, a Brewton-Parker College Mount Vernon campus student and president of the college's Baptist Collegiate Ministries, is one member of a mission team sent from Emmanuel Baptist Church (Blackshear, Ga.) this summer. Kolby is pictured third from left in the back row of the above picture.

Below, Kolby, center, leads a water toss for children in Istanbul, Turkey. Kolby writes: "We are working in a very poor part of Istanbul," and asks for "prayer for the parents of the children we are working with and the children themselves." Click on the picture below to see more photos from the EBC trip.


A full article is in the works from the Office of News & Public Information. Until then, please enjoy this video made by Kolby about the EBC's trip.

Water Day from ebcglobal on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Turkey too. Would you ever be intersted in having OM come and speak in chaple or in a class? We are in Tyrone, GA and have lots of public speakers avalible.

    We send people to Turkey as well. Short & Long Term Missions in Turkey
